In the fall, children all over Germany take part in lantern parades, they sing songs, and in some regions they receive a sweet dough man. Especially in the West, this happens on St. Martin’s Day which is November 11th.
Category: Food and Drink
Stockbrot is a favorite at campfires, and it is exactly what you think it is: bread on a stick. Make your dough, wrap it around a stick, cook it over the fire.
When and where was the Brezel or pretzel invented? What does the word actually mean? Is there one ‘real’ pretzel? Let’s go back in history to find out!
It is Sunday and that means cake time. Many Germans have cake with their afternoon coffee on Sundays. They do drink coffee also during the week, often between 3 and 4:30pm, though it varies. They might not always eat cake with their coffee but maybe just a cookie or some fruit. But Sundays are different. […]
Did you ever ask yourself why the Bienenstich is called that? I asked myself that when I got stung by bees and realized that Bienenstich is a Teekesselchen (or homonym) but also wondered how this delicious cake got its name. The Bienenstich origin story comes from Andernach, a town by the Rhine, and is rich in details that can be neither proven nor disproven.
Studentenfutter mögen nicht nur Studenten*innen! Aber warum heißt die Mischung aus Nüssen und getrockneten Früchten überhaupt so? Und seit wann gibt es sie?
Post auch auf Englisch.
Trail mix in German is Studentenfutter which means “students’ feed or fodder”. How did the mix of nuts and dried fruit get its name?
Post also available in German.
A delicious Schnitzel … is what exactly? And is a Wiener Schnitzel different from a Jägerschnitzel? How long has it been around? Continue reading to find out.