Here are two recipes: one for Martins- or Zuckerbrezeln, and one for Stutenkerle or Weckmänner. They are German recipes that I translated into English with American measurements. Links to the original are in the post.
Category: Holidays
In the fall, children all over Germany take part in lantern parades, they sing songs, and in some regions they receive a sweet dough man. Especially in the West, this happens on St. Martin’s Day which is November 11th.
November 1st is Allerheiligen or All Saints’ Day, but what exactly is that? Is it the same as Allerseelen or All Souls’ Day?
Erntedankfest in Germany is a harvest festival where people give thanks for the harvest. It normally takes place on the first Sunday in October. Find out more about the customs around this holiday.
What is Oktoberfest? When does it happen? What should I wear? What is there to eat and drink? You’ll find the answers here.
Find out what the World Beard and Moustache Championship is, and learn German words and idioms around “Bart”.