February 3 is the feast day of Saint Blaise. Saint Blaise (Heiliger Blasius) died a martyr in 316, is one of the 14 Nothelfer (Holy Helpers), and the Patron Saint of doctors, weavers, tailors. wool merchants, chandlers, tanners, and wind musicians. He is called upon for any throat diseases. Saint Blaise is also a patron of livestock and weather (Vieh- und Wetterpatron).
Farmers protected their young chickens and geese from foxes by giving them Blasiwasser (blessed water), and shepherds engraved Saint Blaise’s name into their staff.
As with many feast days, weather lore and farmer’s rules developed over time. People used to watch and try to predict the weather to ensure a good harvest. Saint Blaise is no exception.
St. Blasius ist auf Trab,
stößt dem Winter die Hörner ab.
St. Blaise is on the trot
breaking off the winter's horns.
Blasius ohne Regen
folgt guter Erntesegen.
Blaise without rain
is followed by a rich harvest.
One of the more known stories about Saint Blaise explains his connection to throat diseases. As somebody who refused to worship the Roman gods, Saint Blaise spent some time in prison. He saved a fellow inmate, a young man, who was choking on a fish bone.

On February 3, you can receive the Blasiussegen (Blessing of the throats) in catholic churches. The priest will use two candles and cross them, or possibly use a candle holder like in the photo. The blessing includes a mention of Blasius and health or more specifically throat health.
In German, they may say something like this: Auf die Fürsprache des heiligen Blasius bewahre dich der Herr vor Halskrankheit und allem Bösen. Es segne dich Gott, der Vater, der Sohn und der Heilige Geist.
And in English: Through the intercession of Saint Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every disease of the throat and from every other illness. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Sources and Resources
- Heiligenlexikon
- Wiki – Saint Blaise
- Wiki – Blessing of the throats
- Pinterest Board