seven different snake that live in germany and one lizard that looks like a snake

Seven Snakes (and One Lizard) in Germany

January 30, 2025

The beginning of the Year of the Snake on January 29, 2025, led me to research snakes in Germany. There are seven species of snakes and one lizard (Echse) that acts like a snake and is often mistaken for a snake, the Blindschleiche (slow worm).

All snakes in Germany are under protection, and only two are venomous, though usually pose no threat to life for healthy people.

Ringelnatter - Grass Snake

ringelnatter grass snake ring snake

Name: Ringelnatter, grass snake, water snake, ring snake, Latin: Natrix natrix

General: most common and most known snake in Germany

Habitat: Middle and Eastern Europe, by water, also woods, parks and gardens

Size: males up to 75 cm long, female between 85 and 110 cm

Appearance: grey-black, white spotted underside, yellow crescent-shaped spots behind the head

Food: eats amphibians, fish, small mammals

Other: likes water, shy, slithers away when threatened, if it can’t away it will make itself bigger or play dead by turning on its back and letting its tongue hang out, when being held it might secrete a smelly substance

Barrenringelnatter - Barred Grass Snake

barrenringelnatter barred grass snake

Name: Barrenringelnatter, barred grass snake, Latin: Natrix helvetica

General: In 2017, scientists found out that the barred grass snake is its own species, not a grass snake subspecies.

Habitat: England, France, Benelux countries, Switzerland, Italy, and in Germany mostly west and south of the Rhine river, also spotted in southern Bavaria

Size: can reach a length of 2 meters, but is usually smaller, with an average length of 1.6 meters, males are shorter than females

Appearance: black bars running up the body, looks similar to a grass snake but has no or paler yellow crescent-shaped spots on the neck

Food: amphibians and their larvae

Other: sprays stinky substance for defense but is not dangerous, just like the Ringelnatter it might also play dead when threatened

barrenringelnatter playing dead
Playing dead (Schreckstarre, Totstellreflex, Thanatose). Photo: Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons 40773715

Kreuzotter - Adder

Kreuzotter adder

Name: Kreuzotter, adder, Latin: Vipera berus

General: one of the two snakes in Germany that is venomous, they use it for hunting, they will only bite humans if threatened, touched or stepped on

Habitat: Middle, Northern, and Eastern Europe, Asia, in Germany found in the North German Plains, the eastern Central Uplands, and southern Germany, prefers areas with high humidity and stark temperature differences (day and night)


Size: average length of 50-70 cm, males are smaller than females

Appearance: black-brown zigzag pattern, but colors vary greatly

Food: mice, young birds, frogs, lizards

Other: was “Reptile of the Year 2024”, live-bearing, a black adder is called Höllenotter (hell adder), enemies are especially birds of prey, in 2004 on the island of Rügen an 81-year-old woman died from a Kreuzotter bite

Würfelnatter - Dice Snake

Name: Würfelnatter, dice snake, checkered water snake, Latin: Natrix tessellata

General: endangered, there are probably only a couple hundred left in Germany

Habitat: Middle, South, and South East Europe, West and Middle Asia; in Germany by the rivers Lahn, Moselle, and Nahe in Rhineland-Palatinate, and by the Elbe near Meißen in Saxony; lives in and near the water, spends a lot of time under water

Size: around 1 meter long, males normally only reach a maximum of 80 cm

Appearance: has a strong checkered/dice pattern, grey-brown-greenish to yellow

Food: almost exclusively fish

Other: was “Reptile of the Year 2009”, lays up to 25 eggs per year, likes to sunbathe in the mornings

Schlingnatter - Smooth Snake

Schlingnatter smooth snake glattnatter

Name: Schlingnatter, Glattnatter, smooth snake, Latin: Coronella austriaca; the name Schlingnatter comes from its hunting style where it entangles (schlingen) larger animals and suffocates them, the name Glattnatter refers to its smooth scales, the Latin term coronella means little crown and comes from the heart or crown pattern on its head, austriaca means Austrian

General: often mistaken for a Kreuzotter, can reach an age of 20 years

Habitat: Western, Middle, and Eastern Europe, Western Asia, like dry, sandy, and sunny spots, forest clearings, hillsides

 Size: between 60 and 75 cm long

Appearance: grey-brown, dark stripe between eyes and mouth, small eyes with round pupil (difference to adder)

Food: reptiles (like Blindschleichen), young snakes, mice, lizards

Other: live-bearing, up to 15 babies per year at the end of summer, was “Reptile of the Year 2013”

You can see the black stripe by the eye and mouth, and the 'crown' on top of the head. Photo: Von Christian Fischer, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons 4668780

Aspisviper - Asp Viper

Aspisviper asp viper

Name: Aspisviper, asp viper, Latin: Vipera aspis

General: one of the two snakes in Germany that are venomous, usually not life-threatening for healthy people, in Germany it has the status of “critically endangered”

Habitat: north-east Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, and north-west Slovenia, in Germany only found in the south of the Black Forest, mountainous regions with dry and sunny hills

Size: usually between 60 and 85 cm long, males are longer than females

Appearance: dark rectangular spots in zigzag pattern, triangular head, vertical pupils

Food: small mammals, birds, lizards

Other: is an ambush predator (Lauerjäger) meaning it bites its prey and follows the dying animal to swallow it head first, in 2013 a 53-year-old man died from multiple bites of an Aspisviper, photo shows asp viper and baby

Äskulapnatter - Aesculapian Snake

Äskulapnatter aesculapian snake

Name: Äskulapnatter, Aesculapian snake/ratsnake, Latin: Zamenis longissimus, before: Elaphe longissma

General: symbol of medicine, found wrapped around the Aesculapian staff

Habitat: Southern and south-eastern Europe, only in a couple of regions in Germany (Rheingau, Sommerberg, Odenwald, Salzach, Passau), warm, sunny regions, stony regions, clear forest areas


Size: males can be up to 1.6 m long, females a little shorter; one of the largest snakes in Europe

Appearance: yellow-brown, olive-colored, grey-brown and/or grey-black, scales have white edges creating a spotted pattern

Food: small mammals especially mice, lizards, birds, their nestlings and eggs


pharmacy sign in germany apothekenschild
Pharmacy Sign in Germany. Photo: Hans auf Pixabay

Other: can be found on trees, lays up to 10 eggs per year, larger prey animals are choked to death, smaller ones are crushed by its jaw, the German symbol for pharmacies is a large A (for Apotheke) with the Aesculapian snake wrapped around a fountain

Blindschleiche - Slowworm

Blindschleiche slowworm

Name: Blindschleiche, slowworm, blindworm, Latin: Anguis fragilis, the name Blindschleiche (lit. blind lizard) doesn’t mean it’s blind, it probably comes from the Old High German plintslîcho which means “blendende oder glänzende Schleiche” (blinding or shiny lizard)

General: looks and acts like a snake but is a lizard, one of the most common reptiles in Middle Europe

Habitat: West, Middle, and North Europe, can live in a variety of biotopes, likes deciduous forests, hedges, parks, meadows, near bogs, moors


Size: around 45 cm long, half of which is tail

Appearance: colors vary from brown, grey, yellow, bronze and copper, might have dark spots or lines, underside is often lead-grey or black

Food: earth worms, slug, caterpillars without hair, bugs

Other: is not blind, differences to snakes: can cast off parts of its tail as a defense mechanism (doesn’t grow back), has eyelids, was “Reptile of the Year 2017”

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