Click on the date to see what events happened in German, Swiss, and Austrian history. It includes birthdays and death anniversaries of historic personalities, cultural and historic events, fun and public holidays, and any other interesting events that happened or are associated with a certain date in February.
This is not a comprehensive list and I aim to update it whenever I can.
Barley Month
Black History Month
Canned Food Month
Humpback Whale Awareness Month
Library Lovers Month
Herzlich Willkommen, Germanophiles!
I’m Anika and here to share with you some facts or stories about Germany that you might not know. More about me and my story here.
Many hours and dollars go into researching and writing every month. The website and its content are free for everybody, it's basically free of any advertising, and I would like to keep it this way. A donation would help me keep going and recover the costs that maintaining a website entails. Thank you and danke!
© Anika Rieper and, 2020-25. Read the full impressum and copyright here.