Nützliche Vokabeln rund um die Post – Useful vocabulary about the post office. German nouns and verbs with English translations and example sentences.
For World Post Day on October 9th, I’m taking a look at the history of the post delivery in Germany ,the post horn, and why yellow is the color of Germany’s postal service.
When and where was the Brezel or pretzel invented? What does the word actually mean? Is there one ‘real’ pretzel? Let’s go back in history to find out!
Erntedankfest in Germany is a harvest festival where people give thanks for the harvest. It normally takes place on the first Sunday in October. Find out more about the customs around this holiday.
Did you know that The Beatles recorded two of their songs in German? And Elvis sang a German folk song partially in Swabian dialect? Johnny Cash, David Bowie, The Beach Boys, they all have recorded songs in German. In the 1960s it was not unheard of that artists released some of their songs in German for the German market.
What is Oktoberfest? When does it happen? What should I wear? What is there to eat and drink? You’ll find the answers here.
Speak like a native (Northern) German or sailor with these German expressions revolving around the sea. Beim Klabautermann!, Landratte, die Fische füttern, …
Am 19. September ist Speak like a Pirate Tag und zu diesem Anlass entführe ich euch heute auf die sieben Weltmeere. Wenn wir über Piraten sprechen, denken wir meistens an Blackbeard, Pirates of the Caribbean, und haben generell eine romantische Vorstellung vom Piratenleben, von den freien Männern, und einigen Frauen, die keinem gehorchen und dem […]
Do you know what a myboshi hat is? It’s a crocheted beanie, made popular and sold by Thomas Jaenisch and Felix Rohland from Bavaria.
Every year on the second weekend in September, the city of Zurich (Zürich) holds a shooting competition called “Knabenschiessen”, along with a carnival.